Consumer Research Survey: Post-Covid Shopping Behaviors

Retail has been through a lot in the past decade.

Each year brings a new headline, a new narrative that shapes our opinions, actions, hopes, and fears.

The pivots Covid-19 demanded the retail industry to make were truly unprecedented. We will feel the impacts for years to come. Now, as we return to normal, there are things we know and things we don’t know. Things we are excited about and things that keep us up at night. Going forward, we understand why embracing change is the only way through it, and we’ve become more agile and adaptive along the way.

As retail designers and display suppliers, we are only as successful as the brands and retailers we serve, and our clients are only as successful as they are able to understand and meet the needs of their customers.

Opening stores and other retail settings in this “new norm,” will necessitate new in-store needs. From how we think about physical and digital shopping environments to how we communicate value, build trust, and secure loyalty with customers, the time is now to take our learnings and create more strategic retail programs.

Since every great idea starts with a person, we developed this survey to gauge how people plan to shop and use stores post COVID-19.

We wanted to understand how shoppers have rearranged their purchasing patterns, what their top expectations are for in-store safety, how the course of the virus’ transmission is affecting their decision-making, and more.

We hope some of the takeaways within this report will complement, start, or foster additional conversations on how we as an industry can do our part to make this “new norm” a better one for all.


  • 89% of consumers polled are optimistic that non-essential retailers will begin opening up their doors again before July 31st - are you ready?

  • A vaccine will make a difference, but what people really want is the ability to sanitize their hands - Do you think this will be a long-lasting trend? Why or Why not?

  • Store cleanliness, fair pricing, reward programs, and genuinely friendly employees lead the way in customer expectations moving forward - how will you meet the demands?

Mix Creative Group

Mix Creative Group is a full service marketing and project management collective working to creatively and strategically empower growth for our clients and their businesses.

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